Letting Down the Load and Other Cry-Worthy Moments from Disney’s Encanto!
I want you to know that the loads I see people carry are heavy. Your load might be heavy too. If this is you, I’m just here to say I see you. I see how hard the demands are on your body, soul, and mind. You aren’t alone. You are more than the service to give to the people and communities around you. You are worthy of rest.
Overthinking, Negative Feelings, and Shame, Oh My!
Learn how to understand and cope with feeling overwhelmed. Emotional intelligence is a set of skills you can get better at with practice, and this article breaks down the other factors that get in the way of finding freedom from negative thoughts, feeling unmotivated, and having productivity stress, so you can have a thought life you thrive with and enjoy.
Do you want to feel more control over overwhelming emotions?
As a therapist, I hear this question asked a lot, so I thought I would share with you a skill that I have used with hundreds of clients over the years, and it consistently is one that people keep in their frequently used section in their brain libraries to help during the times when emotions are so overwhelming they are causing a lot of distress.
4 Steps to Dealing with Anxiety & Stress (Taking Control of Your Thoughts #1)
Our brains are doing it's basic function, which is look for threats, but that does not mean it feels good all the time or that it’s healthy. Sometimes we do get stuck in cyclical thoughts that spiral downward fast, race ahead, or get stuck. Read about 4 Steps to help you find clarity in your mind and emotions.
5 Ways I’ll Help you Bloom Your Life
Just imagine with me for a moment… what if you lived a life you loved? What if, in that life, you loved and accepted yourself? What thoughts would you think about yourself? What hopes or dreams would flourish?